Industrial Equipment: Now and Later

Industrial Equipment: Now and Later

Threaded, Soldered, Or Push Fittings?

Laurie Washington

When you need to find fittings for your equipment, you can rest assured fittings will be easy to find in general. It's finding the right fittings for your specific project that can take some time, at least initially. Not only do you need the right size and configuration, but the connections have to work well, too. Fittings typically need either threaded connections, soldering or gluing, or push mechanisms, and each option works well in different circumstances.

For a Strong, Permanent Bond

If you want a connection that will be permanent, you could get any fitting and then just leave it alone forever, right? It may be easier to use a soldered or glued fitting in that case, just because the risk of the solder or glue allowing whatever is in the pipe to leak out is low. As the pipe ages, the solder or glue should hold firm and not crack. That doesn't mean the connection is unable to have problems, just that it's much less likely. And if that connection is going to be hidden in a wall or in machinery where it won't be easy to access, you want a fitting and a connection that will need a minimum of attention.

For a Removable but Secure Connection

If you need a fitting that is removable but that is undoubtedly secure, a threaded fitting is best. These hold well, and while you may need to add tape or another substance to fill in gaps in the threads — think plumber's tape on showerhead fittings — the threads are generally well sealed once the fitting is on correctly. You will need a threaded pipe for this, of course, so if the pipes you're using are smooth-ended, a push connection would be appropriate.

For a Fast Connection for Smooth Pipes

If you need a fast connection, or need one that works with smooth pipes, but solder and glue aren't appropriate, then a push fitting is best. These are fittings you push onto pipes, hence the name, and they're held in place by metal rings and sealed with rubber o-rings. They are very convenient, but you do need to make sure you push them on fully. It's easy to leave them not quite on all the way.

When you know what type of connection you need and what type of pipe ends you have to work with, you'll have an easier time finding the right fittings. Pipe fittings need to fit very well and require as little maintenance as possible, so don't assume that you can substitute one fitting for another (e.g., a push fitting on a pipe that needs a permanent connection).

For more information on pipe fittings, reach out to an industrial parts supplier.


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Industrial Equipment: Now and Later

Take a look around at the industrial equipment in your facility. Hopefully it is all working and in good shape. If you want to keep it that way, you will need to provide it with the proper care. Every machine has somewhat different maintenance requirements, but in most cases, some lubrication and an annual inspection by a qualified repair professional will go a long way. Here's the thing: you can't be in this industry without the right equipment. So rather than spending more on new equipment, it is wise to care for the stuff you've got. Read more on this and related topics right here on this website about industrial equipment.
